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Special instruction in a sentence

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Sentence count:12Posted:2022-06-09Updated:2022-06-09
Similar words: call instructionnon-destructive inspectioncontrol instructioninstructioninstructionsinstructionaldirect instructionjump instruction
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1. This card has no special instructions under the picture but does have a slight variation in the symbols.
2. Do you have any special instruction?
3. Yes, do you have any special instruction on me?
4. You don't need games, flashcards, or special instruction to help your child gain these skills.
5. Emergent instruction is a special instruction form that viewed from the generative thinking mode.
6. Generative instruction is a special instruction form in the view of generative thinking.sentencedict .com
7. American Ambassador had been giving him special instruction in the affluent society.
8. Emergent instruction a special instruction form that viewed from the generative thinking mode.
9. This led to an unfortunate incident at Leamington Station in 1874. Special instructions were issued to keep the station completely private.
10. Please indicate your account name and account number on the special instruction.
11. For the avoidance of doubt, we do not accept any special instruction written on this Provisional Allotment Letter.
12. For Sub-Account, please indicate "FBO your account name and sub-account number on the special instruction field."
More similar words: call instructionnon-destructive inspectioncontrol instructioninstructioninstructionsinstructionaldirect instructionjump instructioninstruction sheetinstruction codeinstruction bookoperation instructionmicroinstructioninstruction cycleclear instructionmacroinstructioninstruction manualsimple instructioninstruction systemmachine instructioninstruction sequencecomputer instructioncourse of instructioninstruction pointerassisted instructionassembly instructionoperating instructionsconstruction materialconstruction spendingspecialisation
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